Chandler Oaks Elementary - Bond 2018
Individual capital renewal and replacement project details, including playground breakdowns, can be found on the Bond 2018 project definition sheets.
Campus Projects
- Playground improvements
- Irrigation controls
- Power factor correction
- Computer Refresh – Student Laptop Cart Devices
- Classroom Interactive Flat Panels (Replace when existing projectors reach end of life)
- Cafeteria AV/Multimedia System Refresh
- Server/Storage Refresh
- Local Area Network (LAN)/Wide Area Network (WAN) Refresh
- UPS Refresh
- Technology Requests for Fine Arts
- WAN Fiber Refresh
- Access Control System
- Bus/Fleet Management System
- Campus Radios and Signal Repeaters
- Emergency Notification System
- Emergency Telephone/Intercom
- Intrusion Detection/Burglar Alarm System
- Staff and Student Badging System
- Two-Way Communication System
- Video Surveillance System
- Visitor Management System
Project costs are available for review on the Bond 2018 Project List

Feeder pattern projects
Chandler Oaks Elementary feeds into Walsh Middle School and Stony Point High School.